At Greenfoot we want to be more then just eco-friendly.  Our vision is to create an industry model of ecological, social and economic sustainability.  It seems to be working but progress takes time. Most people want to do things in an eco-friendly and sustainable way, they just need a framework that allows them to act.  Providing this framework has been Greenfoot’s focus.

What Greenfoot does for the Harvester

Chaga extract: The Greenfoot extraction process produces a high quality extract that nearly doubles the yield of chaga product. The potency and taste of Greenfoot extract is quite astonishing. It also allows harvesters to be more sustainable by ensuring that all of chaga’s important nutrients are being made available to consumers.  The process is a simple and inexpensive way for harvesters to improve their product and increase their supply at the same time.

By partnering with Greenfoot, harvesters are given assistance in setting up their own extraction facility and bringing their own extract to market.

Chaga farming: It’s an unfortunate fact that chaga is rapidly disappearing from our forests. Greenfoot has been studying chaga’s ecology for some time and we believe their is a solution. Greenfoot has been working on methods to farm chaga without killing the host tree. We’ve also been developing a protocol that chaga harvesters can use to ensure that chaga will continue to repopulate our public forests naturally.

Chaga marketing: Anyone who has ever tried to bring their product to market understands how difficult it is to be seen over the large brand names that dominate the retail space. By partnering with Greenfoot, a harvester gains the ability to be recognized as having a quality product in addition to being a partner in forest stewardship.

Wildcraft diversity: Although Greenfoot has as it’s primary focus the development of a sustainable chaga industry, we recognize that part of this solution requires providing chaga harvesters with other ways to earn a sustainable living through their love of wildcrafting. To this end, we have been developing other non-chaga products which can be harvested sustainably in large volumes and have large consumer appeal.